Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Porter "Super Pippo!" Stanford Shoots Hole in One

Newly acquired outfielder Porter Stanford made a name for himself early with his new teammates this afternoon on the golf course as he sunk a hole in one on the 3rd hole with a distance of 387 yards.  Stanford, who was playing a round of golf with fellow teammates 1B Luis Alou, DH Tony Marin, and MR Juan Najera. Following the round, Najera jokingly made the statement, "We all knew this kid was supposed to be good, but he might get the silent treatment in the clubhouse after this if he keeps trying to show us up."  Alou, who couldn't stop referring to Stanford as "Super Pippo" for some reason remarked, "He may have beat me in golf today, but I'll still be hitting above Super Pippo in the lineup next year."  When asked about the term of "Super Pippo," Stanford only mentioned, "It goes back to my childhood.  South Park was new and big, and some kid said I was like a bigger version of Pip.  I never really understood it, but when I ran for student council this kid Travis put up a bunch of posters with me dressed as Superman labeled "SUPER PIPPO" and it just kind of stuck.  Somehow Luis heard about this and has given me hell ever since I arrived.  I didn't even like Charles Dickens' Great Expectations in school and dont' understand how I'm like Pip considering I'm not even foreign, but who knows.  I guess growing up in Greeley, Colorado, that just made South Park all the more popular." No word yet on whether the nickname will stick with him through BSA, but Super Pippo hopes he becomes a mainstay in the Looters lineup like he has made a name for himself on the golf course today.

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